Planning Your Future with HAMMER
In this day in age, the business world has become such that people are afraid to venture out
of their protect walls. Small businesses fail at an astonishing rate, due to poor planning, no advertising and the unwillingness
to stretch beyond their comfort zones. And small businesses are no different even in Paradise, but, in this issue of Hammer
Magazine, we bring you articles that will guide you into a successful future with invaluable tips. Hammer Magazine will direct
you to businesses that you can trust.
Businesses in Maui are growing rapidly in all aspects. The fact is, we are now facing shortages
in building materials and in qualified construction workers. Small businesses are proliferating along with the population
growth in Hawaii. It is very clear now that new-comers as well as the kamaianas will be needing some information. Hammer Magazine
will offer information and ariticles that will hi-light the various trade practices, building techniques, safety issues, and
articles from our readers and clients. Hammer Magazine is the only construction magazine currently in Maui.
Hammer Magazine's mission is to inform and help our readers and clients. To have personal conversations
with the readers and clients is the outmost importance with Hammer Magazine. Articles published in Hammer Magazine are from
contributing writers, who are professionals and relevant business owners in Hawaii.
Thank you for taking the to read Hammer Magazine!
God Speed!
Ophelia Hodgson
Publisher/ Owner
Oscar, Joe, Ophelia, Marty Dread, & Bradda Francis
Marty,Teresa & Bradda
Oscar, Joe, Barry, Marty, & Bradda